Dostalík, Jaroslav (1928-2010) Czech Republic

Dostalík, Jaroslav (1928-2010) Czech Republic
Jaroslav Dostalík graduated from the Janáček Academy of Music in Brno and studied musicology at the Masaryk University, ibid. It was there where his conducting and composing activities began, which soon led him to great success. In the area of music education, Dr Dostalík is known as an author of practicable methodological handbooks on the problems of working out and interpreting vocal works, as well as vocal intonation including homophonic and polyphonic singing.
His life's work was awarded the František Lysek Prize (1991) and the Minister-of-Education Prize (1998). He also worked in his subject as a university teacher at the Janáček Academy of Music and Drama in Brno.
Jánské Písně - Johannislieder
Product-No.: ecm 31.09.139
composer / arranger:
Dostalík, Jaroslav (1928-2010) Czech Republic
Dostalík, Jaroslav
(1928-2010) Czech Republic
Test score
2,40 EUR
incl. 7% tax excl. Shipping costs
Jarní chorovody – Frühlingsreigentänze
Product-No.: ecm 31.09.151
composer / arranger:
Dostalík, Jaroslav (1928-2010) Czech Republic
Dostalík, Jaroslav
(1928-2010) Czech Republic
Test score
4,40 EUR
incl. 7% tax excl. Shipping costs
Jaro na Moravě - Frühling in Mähren
Product-No.: ecm 31.09.138
composer / arranger:
Dostalík, Jaroslav (1928-2010) Czech Republic
Dostalík, Jaroslav
(1928-2010) Czech Republic
Test score
2,40 EUR
incl. 7% tax excl. Shipping costs
1 to 3 (from a total of 3)